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Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2006
Is there a camera store (to buy equipment for a good SLR camera) in this area.......Destin, PCB, 30-A?


Beach Fanatic
Aug 28, 2006
Ugh. If only! Actual camera gear isn't easy to come by around here. I honestly don't know of anywhere locally aside from Best Buy (have you seen their prices!?) to buy SLRs. There used to be a Ritz in the mall in FWB, but I don't think it's there anymore. The local labs don't have any either as last I checked everything in Snappy Photo was about 20 yrs old, lol. I swear, whoever opens a real camera shop around here that does lens rentals and such will make a fortune. No one between PCB and Pensacola does equipment rentals as of when I called ever single one of them a few months ago.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 15, 2004
Freeport, Florida
I was going to say Ro-Mo (on 15th Street) also, though like LuciferSam I haven't been there in a few years. They used to carry Nikon and Canon gear, I'm sure they still do.

Pensacola Photo Supply on Wright Street in downtown P'cola was the best around, again, I haven't been in at least two years (since the D200 was new.) I'm sure they are still a good choice.

Unfortunately, you'll probably have to go to Atlanta, Miami or New York to get to hold and compare a lot of cameras and gear. It takes some serious buying power to be able to keep a good selection in stock. Even Best Buy will only have 1 or 2 models to compare, and they don't carry any decent glass. I used to work in a camera shop out in Colorado, and while we tried to keep a good selection, the only time we had all the goods was when the Nikon rep visited. I loved being able to borrow that brand new 400 f2.8 to capture wildlife shots.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 21, 2008
B&H Photo in New York. They ship same day and ground service arrives in three to four. UPS costs about the same as gas. Pick up a photo mag and decide what you want, the sales people are not real chatty (NYC after all). Can't beat the price or selection. 1-800-947-9940, closed on Saturday (orthodox jews).

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
be very careful when buying online. Before you buy, do a search for the company name and with keywords like "complaint." I ordered from one of the cheaper dealers operating out of Brooklyn, and they were shysters, trying to sell plastic camera lenses, and wording the advertising as though they were Canon brand. Then, after you order, some very rude guy calls you and harasses you into an upgrade of the real thing, for much more money, and then tries to hose you on products like storage cards. I quickly learned that the incredible price isn't so incredible. I also discovered, that the same jerks paid money to be on the top of the search lists, using 4-5 other website/business names, all with slightly varying prices advertised online. After that, I began to see and read many complaints about the rude guys who call to try to get you to upgrade, and the others who proceed with their orders, have comments that the customer service was non-existent. Also beware of some of these companies selling items which are refurbished. They note it as such, but the print is usually small, and the prices show up as being really cheap among the new products.

Be very cautious of:


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
There are some shady online camera stores. If it sounds to good to be true - it is. Much stuff sold is grey market which means no valid US warranty.

Adorama and B&H are solid and have the lowest legit prices. I get great service with free shipping at B&H through NAPP so I can order stuff and try it out and send back if it doesn't fit the bill. You can find good deals on Ebay for used equipment.

Harmon's Photo in Gainesville is a good old-fashioned camera store if you happen to be over there.

www.dpreview.com is a good site for learning about gear.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
Perfessor mouse has used B&H for years for both his work and personal camera needs. Just expect shipping delays if you order around Jewish high holy days. He also gives very high marks to Calumet Photo- their prices usually aren't as good as B&H, but they've got some of the best customer service in the game, are good answering questions, and normally ship very quickly.


Apr 26, 2008
Perfessor mouse has used B&H for years for both his work and personal camera needs. Just expect shipping delays if you order around Jewish high holy days. He also gives very high marks to Calumet Photo- their prices usually aren't as good as B&H, but they've got some of the best customer service in the game, are good answering questions, and normally ship very quickly.

Yeah, don't try to phone B&H on Saturday's, but they're rarin' to go on Sunday's. I bought a stereo receiver online from them and have had no regrets.
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