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margarita brocolia
Dec 1, 2004
Dune Allen Beach
I have a friend, high school journalism instructor, who is looking for any information he can get regarding Cafe Press.

Kurt: I know you used to and maybe still do sell your framed photos through them. Any problems or tips for someone who might be looking into using their services?

Thanks in advance.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
They offer much, and were the leaders in POD (print on demand) tee-shirts and apparel. However, some other companies are offering more for less with that aspect of their business. I currently use CafePress.com for some POD business, but I have been considering switching to www.printfection.com because they do offer more selection of tee-shirts and rather than having the "pro" shop, which you pay per month to host, www.printfection.com offers that "pro" shop for free. I haven't had a chance to look through their return policy yet, so I'm not fully researched and not prepared to switch just yet.

I do like cafepress.com and think they have filled a great empty void in the past, but there is nothing like competition to make them work hard to stay ahead.
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