So, i have always seen people advertising their businesses on the sides of their vehicles and have wondered how many times they lose potential clients because of poor driving habits.
Well, the other day i was at a four way stop, waited till my turn and went, then BAM! out of nowhere this pool truck decides to cut me off, seriously like dangerously accident close. I decided to well, call him, since his phone number was advertised in 1ft letters and let him know that he could lose clients from his poor driving skills...
I guess i am going to continue cleaning my pool by myself.
Well, the other day i was at a four way stop, waited till my turn and went, then BAM! out of nowhere this pool truck decides to cut me off, seriously like dangerously accident close. I decided to well, call him, since his phone number was advertised in 1ft letters and let him know that he could lose clients from his poor driving skills...
I guess i am going to continue cleaning my pool by myself.