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Beach Crab
Oct 10, 2008
Brah Ha Surf Shop recieved a disturbing letter from Gulf Place Resort.(our store is in Gulf Place) Gulf Place Resort does not want "local teens on the grounds or they will call the sheriff", local teens are part of our surf team and surf club. Gulf Place Home Assoc. thinks our shop is an eyesore. Gulf Place is instructing us to tell our customers to be courteous when on the grounds. What does all this mean? A lot of our customers are moms and dads and grandparents. Our surfboards have to come down off the balconies because they are distracting the charm of the townhomes. (the balcony is where my 4 kids keep thier boards) I don't get it. What is happening to the genuine spirit of this community? My kids don't do drugs, they make straight A's in school and love the sport of surfing. All thier friends live in this community and share the same love of surfing and are great kids. I'm just afraid that these kids will lose that positive energy and drive by all this negative feedback. Thank you for reading this. I'm Peggy Mall, owner of Brah Ha and a proud mom of four super kids!

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
Curious as to who "Gulf Place Resort" is. Did an actual person sign the letter? Is it the Homeowner Association, Merchant Association, developer, what/who? An entity with authority to tell you what to do, or not? If yes, is this even legal, to ban all members of a certain demographic group from a public place? I know certain developments have placed bans on individuals who've committed assault, vandalism, etc., from coming onto development property (specifically Seaside and Rosemary Beach are the ones I know about), but I've never heard of an entire demographic group being banned. Sounds kinda pre-civil-rights to me.

Surfing is such a marvelous way for people, especially kids, to connect with the power and magnificence of nature and their place in it. Good for you, raising such terrific kids.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
maybe the Surfriders group can help you out with this one....it reminds me of the folks in various places who wanted to ban the skateboarders a while back...

Busta Hustle

Beach Fanatic
Apr 11, 2007
Brah Ha Surf Shop recieved a disturbing letter from Gulf Place Resort.(our store is in Gulf Place) Gulf Place Resort does not want "local teens on the grounds or they will call the sheriff", local teens are part of our surf team and surf club. Gulf Place Home Assoc. thinks our shop is an eyesore. Gulf Place is instructing us to tell our customers to be courteous when on the grounds. What does all this mean? A lot of our customers are moms and dads and grandparents. Our surfboards have to come down off the balconies because they are distracting the charm of the townhomes. (the balcony is where my 4 kids keep thier boards) I don't get it. What is happening to the genuine spirit of this community? My kids don't do drugs, they make straight A's in school and love the sport of surfing. All thier friends live in this community and share the same love of surfing and are great kids. I'm just afraid that these kids will lose that positive energy and drive by all this negative feedback. Thank you for reading this. I'm Peggy Mall, owner of Brah Ha and a proud mom of four super kids!

Welcome to the unfortunate truth about mixed use properties. This stinks for you and I believe your business is exactly what the "youts" of this place need.
I hope you can find a place, maybe the Blue Orleans, if the furniture people next door don't mind and have a successful peaceful existence. Shaka!


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
How ridiculous. I agree that you should just let Gulf place have that space. Maybe a new Hover-round store can set up shop there. No wonder my kids (and many others I know) couldnt wait to get out of school and leave here. With the music problems and now folks targeting a sport that is enjoyed by young AND young at heart..... I always thought it was awesome that people worked hard and wanted to "retire" here, now I am wishing they would have just found some established retirement community to move instead of trying to make my home into one.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 4, 2008
Roosevelt, MN
I remember when your shop was put in place and walk/bike past it on a very regular basis. I have yet to have a run in with a skateboard as I was almost certain was only a matter of time.

Some of us older folk are wary for no good reason, which may be the situation with your shop.

I think the kids have been commendable and should not be shuffled away into a corner somewhere. What else is that huge open courtyard there for....to grow grass.

What this community needs is more visibility of the young as a part of the local scene as this is exactly what will attract more families to visit. How many big rental communities use children playing as their big ticket to draw tourists.

I believe you should politely keep doing what has been working for you and let those who would try to police you come out into the light and be seen.


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
What a shame - The Blue Orleans location sounds like a great option!!

I hope t improves for you~~~~


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Do we need to take out an ad in the SUN clarifying the difference between a "community" and a "retirement community"? :dunno:

It seems to be a recurring issue all over 30-A and IMO it needs to be directly addressed!


Beach Fanatic
Apr 27, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
Brah Ha Surf Shop recieved a disturbing letter from Gulf Place Resort.(our store is in Gulf Place) Gulf Place Resort does not want "local teens on the grounds or they will call the sheriff", local teens are part of our surf team and surf club. Gulf Place Home Assoc. thinks our shop is an eyesore. Gulf Place is instructing us to tell our customers to be courteous when on the grounds. What does all this mean? A lot of our customers are moms and dads and grandparents. Our surfboards have to come down off the balconies because they are distracting the charm of the townhomes. (the balcony is where my 4 kids keep thier boards) I don't get it. What is happening to the genuine spirit of this community? My kids don't do drugs, they make straight A's in school and love the sport of surfing. All thier friends live in this community and share the same love of surfing and are great kids. I'm just afraid that these kids will lose that positive energy and drive by all this negative feedback. Thank you for reading this. I'm Peggy Mall, owner of Brah Ha and a proud mom of four super kids!

:welcome: Hey Peggy.....I hate you are having to go through this. Saw your eldest at Publix yesterday and she was telling me about some of the harrassment going on. I bet I know where the complaints are coming from!!!:roll: I'm sending you lots of :love: and positive thoughts. Do you need to start a petition to take to Gulf Place Association???

I can remember when we walked our dogs together in GP and well, we know where that got me!!!! I miss living there, but not the GPA police. They should be happy to have that space rented and doing a good business that brings the local kids to a place that is safe for them.

Let us know what we can do to help.

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