Brah Ha Surf Shop recieved a disturbing letter from Gulf Place Resort.(our store is in Gulf Place) Gulf Place Resort does not want "local teens on the grounds or they will call the sheriff", local teens are part of our surf team and surf club. Gulf Place Home Assoc. thinks our shop is an eyesore. Gulf Place is instructing us to tell our customers to be courteous when on the grounds. What does all this mean? A lot of our customers are moms and dads and grandparents. Our surfboards have to come down off the balconies because they are distracting the charm of the townhomes. (the balcony is where my 4 kids keep thier boards) I don't get it. What is happening to the genuine spirit of this community? My kids don't do drugs, they make straight A's in school and love the sport of surfing. All thier friends live in this community and share the same love of surfing and are great kids. I'm just afraid that these kids will lose that positive energy and drive by all this negative feedback. Thank you for reading this. I'm Peggy Mall, owner of Brah Ha and a proud mom of four super kids!