I was using a silver spoon for bait. As soon as I hooked the fish, it started jumping out of the water. Put up a pretty good fight. I knew it was decently big. Very uncharacteristic for any fish I had ever caught before in Draper Lake.
I got it to the side of the kayak and to my disbelief, this thing looked like a damn barracuda. It had some big, sharp teeth. I thought to myself, there’s just no way... but upon further investigation, everything matches up with a barracuda, and I’m just in shock...
For anyone out there who knows about fishing in this area, I just have a few questions.
1. Is this a barracuda?
2. What is it doing in Draper Lake?
3. Is this a normal fish to have in these coastal, brackish-water dune lakes?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please see pics of fish attached.