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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Blue Angels to Make Hearts Soar Again in 2014

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]By: Lauren Tjaden
Visit Florida[/FONT]

They’re back!

The Blue Angels, the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, will again be performing in shows in 2014. Throughout 2013, due to government cutbacks, these highly anticipated performances were cancelled.

Now that you have a chance to see a performance or practice, you definitely should. Because to say the Blue Angels are 'amazing' is an epic understatement.

The F/A-18 jets can reach speeds just under Mach 2, which is almost twice the speed of sound – a whopping 1,400 mph. They can climb as fast as 30,000 feet per minute.

The Squadron performs all kinds of aerobatics, including loops, spin and rolls, and they are aces at flying in formation, as close to each other as a mere 18 inches. That’s less than the length of my arm, and I am not a big person.

In Pensacola, where the Angels are based, you can watch them practice, meet some of the pilots, take photos with them and even ask for their autographs. For the ultimate experience watch them perform at the Pensacola Beach Air Show in July.

Now that’s news guaranteed to tickle your rudders.



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
SoWal Events Calendar | Blue Angels Homecoming Show at Pensacola NAS

Blue Angels Homecoming Show in Pensacola is NOV 7-9, 2014.


Blue Angels 2014 Show & Schedule Info

Pensacola Naval Air Museum is definitely worth a drove over for the day, or two...



[h=3]BLUE ANGELS PRACTICES & AUTOGRAPHS[/h]The world-famous Blue Angels are based at NAS Pensacola, and can be seen practicing over the Museum most Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from March to November. Practices typically begin at 11:30 a.m., and last about an hour. Admission to practice is FREE and open to the public.* Read more and see practice schedule...
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