Just a heads up, a friend of mine has started a new company in SoWal, Blu-Binz Curbside Recycling, which will be kicking off soon. Blu-Binz plans on providing you with blue recycling bins and collect those recyclables on a regular basis in return for a small monthly fee. For more info you can can find Blu-Binz Curbside Recycling on facebook. Just go to facebook.com and search for "Blu-Binz Curbside Recycling." Click the facebook like button to learn more about when the program will start and how to sign up to receive the curbside pickup. 
Let's wish Blu-Binz Curbside Recycling the best in hopes for recycling more of the waste which normally goes directly to the landfills.

Let's wish Blu-Binz Curbside Recycling the best in hopes for recycling more of the waste which normally goes directly to the landfills.