[FONT="][/FONT][FONT="]The Bayou Arts Center is hosting its Grand Opening and CAA Family Fun Day and annual meeting on Thursday, Oct. 20, from 4-7 p.m. Scheduled activities include food trucks (Foodie Dietrich, Dog Man Doo Hot dogs, Snow Cone, Ice Cream), 15-minute watercolor workshops, kids’ arts and crafts, face painting, site tours, certified nature based outfitter tours of the Bayou, silent auction, logo display, CAA Member Art Exhibit, live music, TDC booth/table and CAA Membership drive. [/FONT]
[FONT="]The Bayou Arts Center is located at 105 Hogtown Bayou Lane, off CR 393N, Santa Rosa Beach. For more information, contact [/FONT][FONT="]lee@culturalartsalliance.com[/FONT][FONT="]. [/FONT]
[FONT="]The Bayou Arts Center is located at 105 Hogtown Bayou Lane, off CR 393N, Santa Rosa Beach. For more information, contact [/FONT][FONT="]lee@culturalartsalliance.com[/FONT][FONT="]. [/FONT]