Awkward Oxen Improv Hour takes place on the Seaside REP stage on Wednesday and Friday nights at 10:00 p.m. throughout July and part of August.
July 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31
August 5, 7
Tickets are $7 at the door.
A fun, interactive, and fast-paced improvisational comedy show for the grown-ups! Join The REP’s improv troupe as they play improv games, and make up scenes and songs on the spot based on audience suggestions. Every show is different, with different players, different games and different audiences supplying new suggestions. The Awkward Oxen also asks “willing volunteers” to join them for a game or two each performance. It’ll tickle your bunny phone!
This performance includes adult humor and language. May not be suitable for children.
Awkward Oxen Improv Hour is graciously sponsored by Cottage Rental Agency in Seaside, FL.
July 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31
August 5, 7
Tickets are $7 at the door.
A fun, interactive, and fast-paced improvisational comedy show for the grown-ups! Join The REP’s improv troupe as they play improv games, and make up scenes and songs on the spot based on audience suggestions. Every show is different, with different players, different games and different audiences supplying new suggestions. The Awkward Oxen also asks “willing volunteers” to join them for a game or two each performance. It’ll tickle your bunny phone!
This performance includes adult humor and language. May not be suitable for children.
Awkward Oxen Improv Hour is graciously sponsored by Cottage Rental Agency in Seaside, FL.