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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I use Jim Lieufua (sp?), but Skunky suggest that I fire them and try Geico or some other company. State Farm's housing insurance pull out in FL has left many people hurt. If I could get better quotes at Geico than State Farm, I'd probably switch it over. I will say that the people at Jim's office are very courteous and professional, and I understand State Farm pulling out of the housing market in our area, but what I've heard about State Farm not paying out in MS and Louisiana scares me.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
HOLY COW, WonderWoman! That is a pricey quote from Progressive. Did you get a Ferrari? I think my most expensive policy is around $450/6 mo.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 30, 2005
Point Washington
No...you've seen the two cars. I had a speeding ticket a year and a half ago, and then the incident with the 18 wheeler that threw a tire tread that hit my car last Thanksgiving. I thought that was why it went up last time around. But, it seems like it's just set to go up $200 every time it renews? I've always insured cars through my aunt's brother because he was a family friend. I thought I was getting a good deal.:bang:

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Punzy, are your quotes for both cars, or just yours? If it's for both, I may go talk to AIG. IBD, who is your agent, or where are they located?


hmmmm......can't remember
May 28, 2007
Northern Hall County, GA
My State Farm guy sent me to GEICO. It really was cheaper, with better coverage.
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