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Beach Comber
Jun 7, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
Hello SoWal'ers!

Van R Butler is hosting a silent Auction on Saturday Dec 13th. Each class donates a theme basket and the proceeds go directly to help the school purchase needed classroom materials, and new computers.

The theme basket I am currently working on is "Family Fun".

This is a great opportunity for local business owners to donate to our community and support our local schools. Van R Butler will also supply a tax deductable donation letter.

I have until Friday am the 5th... PLease Help!!!

A few Examples:
Local Restaurants
Movie Theater
Water Activites (Boating, Fishing)
Bike Rentals
The Track

Family Crafts

Thank you SOWAL!!!


Beach Fanatic
May 17, 2007
Santa Rosa Beach
Thanks for opening this up! I am a parent at Butler as well and have 2 baskets to work on:

"Around the town - dining & shopping"


"Now We're Cookin'"

If anyone would like to donate please pm me.

Also - thank you to all in the community who support this event every year! We know that a lot of businesses are asked to donate items (some businesses more than once) and we appreciate every donation!! Thank you!!!
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