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Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
Snellsburg, GA
I'm about to have to replace a big heat pump at our house in Seagrove and I was curious about closed loop GeoThermal Heat Pumps.

If you have one I'd be curious about its performance and your satisfaction with it?

If you know of any experienced dealers in the SoWal area that install them, I'd like to know who they are.



Beauty hunter

Beach Fanatic
May 3, 2009
Check out DIY.com, an associative site with HGTV, they are building green. Punch in your request under search and they list some websites that may have local info. Your choice sounds green to me. I hope you find what you are looking for. Wind, solar, earth, and water elements are clean choices for energy. This will increase oxygen and decrease carbons as we utilize nature's forces of energy. Thank you for thinking of others along with yourself. Cannot offer any scientific info, just a Barbie :wave: I've always wanted to utilize the energy of hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and volcanoes- that would be the day! Some type of stored energy utilization system for power. I've studied them for years, but there is somebody out there that will figure it out eventually. :D

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
I've always wanted to utilize the energy of hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and volcanoes- that would be the day! Some type of stored energy utilization system for power. I've studied them for years, but there is somebody out there that will figure it out eventually. :D

The Promise of Wave Power on Vimeo

If I had $$ to invest, I would invest in PAX Scientific...those folks REALLY understand how to get the most from natural fluid dynamics.

Pax Scientific


Beach Comber
Mar 28, 2008
I think Adkins off bay drive does these. I have also wanted to invest in one- I am considering a white roof also to lower my heat load though which might should = a smaller system.

John is the owner very nice person Adkins AC

Good luck
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