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I have to tell everyone! I attended the Alice McCall Workshop on Attract the Abundance you Deserve - today and SHE IS THE BEST!!!! If you are familiar with The Secret..... she takes things one step further for you and guides you into an even better understanding! AWESOME!:!:
If any of you can get a chance to work with her for any reason - she has other workshops you can attend. Check it out - Go to her website www.healingpath.info

Alice McCall

Beach Comber
Thanks Kim! I'm glad you got a lot out of it!

I was actually logging on to let anyone that is interested know that I'm holding this workshop again on Wednesday March 21st, 6-9pm. And I found this great surprise!

Here is the text from my previous post on the Abundance workshop.

"Our current market place tends to fill us with fear for our financial security. We do not have to go there! My workshop focuses on eliminating your foundational ?lack thinking? (be it conscious or sub-conscious) and creating a life of abundance using the tools of visualization, intention setting, and more. You can create the abundant life that you desire and deserve and my workshop will show you how!

I?m Alice McCall (B.S. Psychology, MBA, Ordained Minister) and I?m an Advanced Energy Healer, Spiritual Counselor, and Life/Self Improvement Coach.

For more information email alice@healingpath.info. Visit my website www.healingpath.info for more upcoming events on various topics!"

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