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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Compass Rose Academy will be offering after school programing starting January 25, 2010. Programs will include science, fine arts, tutoring, and technology! More information on each program is provided below.

If you have any question please contact Christine Buscarello at 850.855.8792 or email compassroseacademy@yahoo.com !

Please visit the Community Education Center link on our website for more information:
Compass Rose Academy - CEC
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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Fine Arts Connections
Fine Art Connections is an exciting new way to build appreciation and inspiration for all children grades k-5. We will be using multiple mediums including paints (watercolor, tempera, and acrylic), colored pencils, oil pastels, clay, and children?s literature to expand our study of fine arts. Starting this January we will begin our first of 6 art sessions for children! Each session will teach a different art concept and each art concept will be studied on different levels for 6 weeks. The topics studied vary slightly by grade level.

Time and Date Schedule

3pm ? 4pm
Jan. 27,2010 through March 3, 2010

1st Grade
4:15pm ? 5:15pm
Jan. 27,2010 through March 3, 2010

2nd Grade
3pm ? 4pm
Jan.28,2010 through March 4, 2010

3rd ? 5th Grade
4:15pm ? 5:15pm
Jan.28,2010 through March 4, 2010

Example of Session
Kindergarten Level
Unit 1 - Lines

Week 1 - Thick and Thin Lines - Blanket Design - Tempra
Week 2 - Lines Can Make Calm Pictures - Calm Landscape - Paper
Week 3 - Lines Can Make Busy Pictures - Clown Drawing - Computer
Week 4 - Curved Lines - Playing - Oil Pastels
Week 5 - Smooth and Rough Lines - Pet Drawing - Crayon
Week 6 - Broken Lines - Animal Mosaic - Cut Paper, Tile, Foam, Beads

Class Cost
Reg Fee $30
Tuition $180 ($30 a week)

Total Due: $210

Total Due By:
Monday, January 18, 2010

Class size will be limited to 8 students. All payments for this class are due in full no later than Monday, January 18, 2010. All classes will be held at Compass Rose Academy located at the Market Shops at Sandestin. Our art instructor is Ms.Christine.
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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Science Club For Kids

Simply Science
Grades K -1st
Monday 3pm -4pm
Jan. 25th to March 29th
(No Class Feb. 15th )

Simply Science is an interactive introduction to science for young children. We will discuss three major science topics: Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. These three main topics and very concrete science concepts and developmentally perfect for this age group of scientists!

Supply Fee: $35
Club Dues: $270 ($30 a week)
Total Due: $305
Due by: Monday, January 18, 2010

Biology 101
Grades 2nd- 3rd

Wednesday 3pm ? 4pm
Jan.27th - March 31st

Biology 101 is an advanced science program that uses textbook and hands on experiments to allow children to explore biology. Students will be learning biology concepts in a fun, colorful, and easy to understand way. Students will learn about cells, parts of the cell, plant growth, protozoa, butterflies, frogs and cycles in an ecosystem. Each student will be given their own text book and work book to take home and keep at the end of our 10 week session!

Book Fee: $60
Club Dues: $350 ($30 a week)
Total Due: $410
Due by: Monday, January 18, 2010

Biology 102
Grades 4th ? 5th

Thursday 3pm -4pm
Jan.28th - April 1st

Biology 102 is an advanced science program that uses textbook and hands on experiments to allow children to explore biology. Students will be learning biology concepts in a fun, colorful, and easy to understand way. Students learn about cells, parts of the cell, plant growth, protozoa, butterflies, frogs and cycles in an ecosystem. Biology 102 is designed to go more in depth for this group of scientists. Each student will be given their own text book and work book to take home and keep at the end of our 10 week session!

Book Fee: $60
Club Dues: $350 ($30 a week)
Total Due: $410
Due by: Monday, January 18, 2010

Class size will be limited to 8 students. All payments for this class are due in full no later than Monday, January 18, 2010. All classes will be held at Compass Rose Academy located at the Market Shops at Sandestin. Our science instructor is Ms.Megan.
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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
SRA Tech Knowledge

SRA’s Tech Knowledge curriculums main purpose is to teach technology skills and applications that are easy to use at any age. This program corresponds with the learning standards that have been set by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). There is a program for all grade k-6. Program content aligns with curriculum requirements at every grade level.

All Students will build a working knowledge of:
Computer Basics - builds an awareness of computer etiquette, safety, and ethics.
Keyboarding - teaches students to type letters, symbols, and numbers.
Word Processing - shows students how to key and format text.
Drawing and Graphics - demonstrates techniques for importing and creating fun visuals.
Gadgets - describes how to operate printers, scanners, digital cameras, and handhelds.
Presentation - exposes students to commonly used presentation software.
Spreadsheet - models different ways to analyze, graph, and organize numerical data.
Database - teaches students to electronically compile and analyze data.
Electronic Reference - uses technology to develop students’ research skills.
Internet - shows students how to conduct effective research on the Web.

Grade Levels
K – 6th

Time and Date Information

3pm – 4pm – Class Size 5
4pm – 5pm – Class Size 9

January 25th to April 26th
No Class February 15th and April 5th

Class Cost
Supply Fee: $35
Tuition: $360 ($30 a class)
Total Due: $395
Total Due By: Monday, January 18, 2010

Class size will be limited to the above listed class size. All payments for this class are due in full no later than Monday, January 18, 2010. All classes will be held at Compass Rose Academy located at the Market Shops at Sandestin. Classes will be lead by Ms.Christine and Ms.Megan.
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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Tutoring Tuesday

Provided by:
The Mermaid Sea - Swim and Tutoring Service

Every student at some point on their pathway to learning will hit a small bump in the road. Tutoring Tuesday is designed to give children a one on one environment to allow them to learn at their own pace, in their own learning style, and with ease. With over 35 years experience between 3 teachers (8 years in South Walton) Tutoring Tuesday can most certainly help your child continue on their pathway to learning with a knowing that they can do anything they set their mind to.


Ms.Sherry Hartley
Compass Rose Academy Director/Founder/Teacher
Owner of The Mermaid Sea Swimming and Tutoring Services

Ms.Christine Buscarello
Compass Rose Academy Administrator/Founder/Teacher/ C.E.C Director
The Mermaid Sea Swim Coach and Tutor

Ms.Megan Gontarek
Compass Rose Academy Teacher/ Science and Technology Teacher/ Summer Programs Lead
The Mermaid Sea Tutor

Basic Information
Grades K - 5th
One on One Session
Session is 1 hour long
Sessions are once a week

Time and Date Information
3pm – 4pm – Currently 3 Openings
4pm – 5pm – Currently 3 Openings

Session Cost
$50 per session
Payment is due weekly.

For more information or to sign up please call The Mermaid Sea at 850.622.1791 or 850.855.8792 !
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Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Come and see us at The Great Southern Gumbo and Wingding Championship at The Market Shops!

The event will be this Saturday from 11am to 3pm.

We will be there all day and you can register with us at anytime!

See you there!

For more information or tickets visit our website:
Special Events
Compass Rose Academy - CEC


Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Leaving now for The Great Southern Gumbo and Wingding Championship!

I hope to see you there!


Beach Lover
Feb 28, 2008
Sign up for after school programs has been extend! Space is limited but still available for most classes! Please call,email, or stop by to sign up by this Friday, January 22, 2010!
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