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“What Education Should Be” is the title of a talk to be given to the Emerald Coast Meditation Society on Dec. 5. The speaker will be Francois Benard, who now writes poetry after a long career in acting.

The meeting will start with a 30-minute meditation at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King Episcopal Church, 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The ECMS is ecumenical and does not follow any religion. There is no charge.

“What we're teaching in our public schools is uninteresting, it's pure memory, it does not educate, it has no real meaning,” Benard says. “We need to reconsider everything.”

Benard was born in Madagascar where his ancestors, part of the French royal family, went into exile two centuries ago to escape the French Revolution. After an idyllic childhood he moved to France to become an actor. He studied with Paris' foremost acting coach and at the Conservatory of Cinema, worked as artistic director for Club Med and learned photography. As a reporter, he met and then worked for artist Salvador Dali.

In 1973 his work led him to New York City where he became assistant to Broadway producer Joshua Logan, as well as working for a French news team. On his first date he met his wife-to-be, Jo Ann (a.k.a. Lee Warrick), a soap-opera star.

In 1976 they moved to Hollywood. Benard quickly landed a role opposite Rock Hudson in “Mac Millan” and his acting career took off. He starred in two TV mini-series and in the film “Hostage Flight” with Ned Beatty and an all-star cast. He guest-starred or played semi-regular roles on many shows.

In 1990 Benard moved to Colorado to become a writer and eventually focused on poetry. He has written more than 2,000 poems, which he reads at churches, schools, prisons and private events. He has recently published two books of poetry: “The Dream Of Life” and “The Thread Of Love.” He became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and now lives in south Walton County, where, he reports, the Benards are still happily married.

The evening will conclude with a short guided meditation. The ECMS meets on the first and third Thursday of every month except July and August. Anyone who needs meditation instruction should arrive by 6:15 p.m. For information contact Nancy James, nancyjames@embarqmail.com.

Web page: https://www.facebook.com/events/261580017324206

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