To benefit: St. Agatha's Episcopal Church
Oct. 29, 2011, 6-8 p.m.
504 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs
An intimate evening of Dixie Land, melodic jazz and old favorites. Richard Thomas, on clarinet, and Tommy Kelly,on piano. Tickets are $10 and available at Hotel DeFuniak, Nook & Cranny, Southeby's Antiques, and at the door.
Heavy hors d' oeuvres included. Custumes optional.
To benefit: St. Agatha's Episcopal Church
Oct. 29, 2011, 6-8 p.m.
504 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs
An intimate evening of Dixie Land, melodic jazz and old favorites. Richard Thomas, on clarinet, and Tommy Kelly,on piano. Tickets are $10 and available at Hotel DeFuniak, Nook & Cranny, Southeby's Antiques, and at the door.
Heavy hors d' oeuvres included. Custumes optional.