January 25
South Walton Center of Northwest Florida State College
109 Greenway Trail
Santa Rosa Beach
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Come out for the opening reception of A+Art's Show "Abstractions - An Adventure into the Imagination", presented by the Cultural Arts Alliance (CAA) in partnership with Northwest Florida State College. The exhibit is a unique collaboration of abstract art by local artists who masterfully create works that draw the viewer into an experience of color, shape and texture through various mediums.
Artists exhibited are Donnelle Clark, Juan Francisco Adaro, Joanna Ellington, and Didon Comer. The exhibit will run from January 18 to March 17, 2013 (Monday-Friday 9am-4pm).
For more information call 850-622-5970, email info@culturalartsalliance.com or visit http://www.culturalartsalliance.com/
South Walton Center of Northwest Florida State College
109 Greenway Trail
Santa Rosa Beach
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Come out for the opening reception of A+Art's Show "Abstractions - An Adventure into the Imagination", presented by the Cultural Arts Alliance (CAA) in partnership with Northwest Florida State College. The exhibit is a unique collaboration of abstract art by local artists who masterfully create works that draw the viewer into an experience of color, shape and texture through various mediums.
Artists exhibited are Donnelle Clark, Juan Francisco Adaro, Joanna Ellington, and Didon Comer. The exhibit will run from January 18 to March 17, 2013 (Monday-Friday 9am-4pm).

For more information call 850-622-5970, email info@culturalartsalliance.com or visit http://www.culturalartsalliance.com/
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