The 6th Annual South Walton Elf Ride is right around the corner! The date is set for December 8th at 1:30pm. We will meet at the Seaside Post Office and bike, walker, skate, long board, etc to the WaterColor Fire Station where there will be 98 BBQ, Santa, face painting and fire truck tours! *PARENTS MUST ACCOMPANY CHILDREN!* The only requirment is that each family brings at least one gift for a child to support the Fire Districts's Angel Tree program. Feel free to dress up as an elf ride and decoarte your mode of transportation!!
If you have any questions or would like a copy of the flyer please email me at
The Grand Elf
(Luke Thompson)
"The sight of a child not receiving a Christmas gift is unimaginable."
If you have any questions or would like a copy of the flyer please email me at
The Grand Elf
(Luke Thompson)
"The sight of a child not receiving a Christmas gift is unimaginable."