Hot diggity – the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] annual Halloweener Derby Day is this weekend!!
Join us for the hilarity that will take place in the Seaside Amphitheater on Saturday morning October 26[SUP]th[/SUP]. Proceeds from registrations and donations benefit the Kind Hearts Kennel at Shelter House. Unused pet items, pet food and monetary donations are welcomed and encouraged!
Here is the “ lowdown” on the Halloweener Derby Day:
Sign in (for pre-registrants) and same day registration opens for the race contestants and for the All Breed Pet Costume Contest. (All race contestants should be signed in by 9:25 so the qualifying heats can start promptly at 9:30). Registration for the Pet Costume Contest will continue until 10:45 AM.
9:30 AM
Release the hounds! The Qualifying Heats begin for the dachshund only races (yes, you read that correctly – this is a contest to see who has the fastest wiener dog!).
10:45ish AM
Halloweener Derby Semifinals and Finals – Who will be the big wiener of 2013?
11:00 AM
Race Award Ceremony and Commencement of the 2013 All Breed Costume Contest. The canines hit the catwalk in their creative costumes as the panel of celebrity judges decides on a winner – what a ruff job!
11:30ish AM
Costume Contest Awards Ceremony – Cheer on your favorite contestant and witness Derby Day history as the 2013 winner is announced.
Chris Alvarado and Friends in concert
Grab some lunch at one of the many fine food vendors in Seaside, spread your blanket on the lawn, and enjoy Chris Alvarado and Friends as they sing the festivities to a close.
And…don’t forget to pick up a highly coveted 2013 Halloweener Derby Day commemorative t-shirt (they sold out very quickly last year).
See you Saturday!
Join us for the hilarity that will take place in the Seaside Amphitheater on Saturday morning October 26[SUP]th[/SUP]. Proceeds from registrations and donations benefit the Kind Hearts Kennel at Shelter House. Unused pet items, pet food and monetary donations are welcomed and encouraged!
Here is the “ lowdown” on the Halloweener Derby Day:
Sign in (for pre-registrants) and same day registration opens for the race contestants and for the All Breed Pet Costume Contest. (All race contestants should be signed in by 9:25 so the qualifying heats can start promptly at 9:30). Registration for the Pet Costume Contest will continue until 10:45 AM.
9:30 AM
Release the hounds! The Qualifying Heats begin for the dachshund only races (yes, you read that correctly – this is a contest to see who has the fastest wiener dog!).
10:45ish AM
Halloweener Derby Semifinals and Finals – Who will be the big wiener of 2013?
11:00 AM
Race Award Ceremony and Commencement of the 2013 All Breed Costume Contest. The canines hit the catwalk in their creative costumes as the panel of celebrity judges decides on a winner – what a ruff job!
11:30ish AM
Costume Contest Awards Ceremony – Cheer on your favorite contestant and witness Derby Day history as the 2013 winner is announced.
Chris Alvarado and Friends in concert
Grab some lunch at one of the many fine food vendors in Seaside, spread your blanket on the lawn, and enjoy Chris Alvarado and Friends as they sing the festivities to a close.
And…don’t forget to pick up a highly coveted 2013 Halloweener Derby Day commemorative t-shirt (they sold out very quickly last year).
See you Saturday!