The 4th annual Golf Classic and Gala of 2011 to benefit the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast will take place on Sept 23rd (gala) and 25th (golf). This prestigious golf event is one of the largest fundraisers for FHEC. The golf tournament will be held at Kelly Plantation. Sponsorships are still available and include tickets to the Gala.
The Gala will be held at the Bayview Club on Eglin AFB. Not only will you enjoy dinner plus a fabulous silent and live auction, but you will also be entertained by The Mulligan's, which includes our very own Edwin Watts! A show you will not want to miss! The event is open to the public and tickets are only $50. For base access, you must R.s.v.p. by Sept 15. For registration or tickets, click here
Hard Rock Help FHEC win a trip to London to raffle off, and SAVE money while you help!
Hard Rock Café has implemented a new and exciting Referral Program. The logistics are simple and the Fisher House has the potential to win a trip for two to London, England's Hard Rock Calling.
Beginning now until the end of April 2012, the Fisher House has "See The Show" referral cards to distribute to their contacts and ask them to dine at Destin's Hard Rock Café. Hard Rock will track all dollars spent from the Fisher House referrals throughout the end of April 2012.
The program is a tiered incentive contest offering prizes to participants beginning with $500 in sales. If FHEC has the highest dollar amount in referrals over $5,000, we win the trip to London. What a great opportunity for us to be able to raffle or auction off to raise money for FHEC.
There is NO COST for this card. It just helps FHEC win prizes and possibly a trip.
In addition, for those of you that are not already aware, Hard Rock Café Destin continues to honor our military with a 15% discount all year long. They are also offering all military "Little Rockers" under 10 years old, their kid's meal for only $2.99. Hard Rock appreciates all our servicemen and women do for us to be able to live our lives the way that we choose! LOVE ALL. SERVE ALL.
As submitted by Kim Henderson, executive director, Fisher House
The Gala will be held at the Bayview Club on Eglin AFB. Not only will you enjoy dinner plus a fabulous silent and live auction, but you will also be entertained by The Mulligan's, which includes our very own Edwin Watts! A show you will not want to miss! The event is open to the public and tickets are only $50. For base access, you must R.s.v.p. by Sept 15. For registration or tickets, click here
Hard Rock
Hard Rock Café has implemented a new and exciting Referral Program. The logistics are simple and the Fisher House has the potential to win a trip for two to London, England's Hard Rock Calling.
Beginning now until the end of April 2012, the Fisher House has "See The Show" referral cards to distribute to their contacts and ask them to dine at Destin's Hard Rock Café. Hard Rock will track all dollars spent from the Fisher House referrals throughout the end of April 2012.
The program is a tiered incentive contest offering prizes to participants beginning with $500 in sales. If FHEC has the highest dollar amount in referrals over $5,000, we win the trip to London. What a great opportunity for us to be able to raffle or auction off to raise money for FHEC.
There is NO COST for this card. It just helps FHEC win prizes and possibly a trip.
In addition, for those of you that are not already aware, Hard Rock Café Destin continues to honor our military with a 15% discount all year long. They are also offering all military "Little Rockers" under 10 years old, their kid's meal for only $2.99. Hard Rock appreciates all our servicemen and women do for us to be able to live our lives the way that we choose! LOVE ALL. SERVE ALL.
As submitted by Kim Henderson, executive director, Fisher House