The 4th Annual Elf Ride has been scheduled!
When: Dec. 4th, 2011 Meet at 1:00pm and start riding about 1:30pm
Where: Seaside Post Office
Details: People of all ages bike from the Seaside Post Office to the Water Color Fire Station. The Ride is to benefit the SWFD Angel Tree. We ask all riders or families to bring an UNWRAPPED gift to benefit the Angel Tree. Decorate your bike for the fun of it and possibly a contest might take place! Refreshments and tours will be given at the Fire Station. Come joins the fun!!! "The Sight of a child not getting to open a Christmas gift is UNIMAGINABLE." Please come help a great cause, and invite your friends!!!!
Any questions or need more info email me, The Grand Elf at
See you all soon!!!
When: Dec. 4th, 2011 Meet at 1:00pm and start riding about 1:30pm
Where: Seaside Post Office
Details: People of all ages bike from the Seaside Post Office to the Water Color Fire Station. The Ride is to benefit the SWFD Angel Tree. We ask all riders or families to bring an UNWRAPPED gift to benefit the Angel Tree. Decorate your bike for the fun of it and possibly a contest might take place! Refreshments and tours will be given at the Fire Station. Come joins the fun!!! "The Sight of a child not getting to open a Christmas gift is UNIMAGINABLE." Please come help a great cause, and invite your friends!!!!
Any questions or need more info email me, The Grand Elf at
See you all soon!!!