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The Grand Elf

Hello Everyone,
Its that time of year again when we hall out the light, the tree, and presents! But its all so that time for the South Walton Annual Elf Ride!

In coordination with the South Walton Fire Department & North Walton County Caring $ Sharing, The Grand Elf(Luke Thompson) presents the 3rd Annual Family Elf Ride!

When: Sunday Dec. 5 2010 at 1:00pm
Where: The Seaside Post Office to the SWFD Watercolor Fire Station.

Families of all ages will ride their bikes from the Seaside Post Office to the Watercolor Fire Station(about 1.5 miles). Parents MUST accompany their children.
We ask that you please bring an unwrapped toy for the Angel Tree!
Drinks and cookies along with goody bags for the kids will be there along with tours of the trucks and station. Wear your Christmas hats and decorate your bikes!

For information contact Diane Brown at SWFD at (850)-267-1298
or The Grand Elf at southwaltonelfride@yahoo.com

The Grand Elf

The Grand Elf

Who's all coming?????? (I hope EVERYONE) Don't forget to put this on your calender and to get your toy for the less fortunate(after all that is what this is for)! Plus decorate your bikes in Christmas Cheer!

The Grand Elf

Its the big day! Come join us for the 3rd annual Elf Ride! Meet at the Seaside post Office at 1:00pm, from there we will bike to the Watercolor Fire Station!! Bring an unwrapped gift.. Wear your festive Holiday outfits and hats! And don't for get to wear a Holiday hat either! Drinks and cookies will be served at the Fir Station. Along with tours and goodie bags for the kids! Come out and get in the Christmas Spirit!!!!!! The Grand Elf


Beach Fanatic
Dec 11, 2007
Seagrove Beach
Can't wait! Gonna be funn!
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