$550.00 - To Register Your Team $50.00 - To Register as an Individual “Free Agent”
Each team plays 6 regular season games over 6 weeks
Single elimination Championship tournament follows the week after the end of the regular season
Trained officials
All Equipment provided
WLF Sport and Social Club T-shirt serves as your team uniform
Sponsored happy hours with exclusive drink and food specials are held before and following all games
Access to fields and field lights
Who? Anyone (21+)
What? FUN Co-Ed Kickball League! Limited amount of Team spots so get your registration in before the February deadline.
It is suggested each team has between 10 and 15 players. There must be at least 4 women and a total of 8 players at the start time of the game!Teams with less than 15 players may have individuals who have signed up as “free agents” added to their roster.
When? Season starts Wednesday February 18th, 2015 @ 6PM
Where? South Walton High School Baseball and Softball fields
Why? This is a Sport & SOCIAL League. The WLF idea is to bring together like-minded adults from the community to meet and socialize like you did when you were a kid. This is an adult playground!! Pick your team and let’s play!
Do you have a handful of friends interested but not enough to form a full team? E-mail us and we will group together your friends with other groups or “free agents.” Can’t commit to every game? No worries! That is why your team has a minimal of 10 players but can add up to 15 players on a team.
Haven't made any friends here yet? No FEAR you are not ALONE! Many folks have moved to the area and found it difficult to meet people. Kickball is a great way to be a part of something FUN. Register as a Free Agent and you are guaranteed a place among friends (spot on a team)!