Join us this Saturday, 10/22/11, for
Van Butler Elementary's 2nd Annual Fall Festival from 11am-3pm
Face painting & DJ
Tons of Games & Prizes
Retail Booths & Bake Sale
Hay Ride & Bouncy Houses
Great Food
There will also be a costume contest at 2pm with spooktacular prizes awarded! In addition, there is a pumpkin patch with lots of great opportunities for photos. Don't miss this fantastic event!
Van Butler Elementary's 2nd Annual Fall Festival from 11am-3pm
Face painting & DJ
Tons of Games & Prizes
Retail Booths & Bake Sale
Hay Ride & Bouncy Houses
Great Food
There will also be a costume contest at 2pm with spooktacular prizes awarded! In addition, there is a pumpkin patch with lots of great opportunities for photos. Don't miss this fantastic event!