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SoWal Staff

Serving the Community!
Staff member
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
South Walton Community Council invited all candidates for Board of County Commissioner to participate in a survey consisting of 15 policy-related questions about important Walton county issues. Four candidates submitted responses to our survey.

Of the nine candidates running for office, those that returned surveys are listed below.

District 1 - Boots McCormick and Dan Curry

District 3 - Brad Drake

District 5 - Barbara Morano

Candidates who did not return the survey are listed below:

District 1 - Trey Nick

District 3 - Chuck Wilder

District 5 - Tony Anderson, Michael Miller, Edmond Zlotea

For the past several years, the SWCC has sent out questionnaires to candidates to gain a better understanding of their positions on issues important to the county. In full disclosure, this year one of our board members, Barbara Morano is a candidate for county commissioner. She and Lisa Veiga (also a SWCC board member involved in the Morano campaign) were not involved in preparing, distributing or any communications related to the 2024 survey. They had no prior knowledge of questions.

We appreciate each candidate that took time to fill out the 2024 survey.

The Responses Below are for Boots McCormick and Dan Curry, District 1​

Response - Boots McCormick​
Response - Dan Curry​
How would you keep personal relationships from interfering with your duties as a county commissioner?​
There are rules and regulations in place and if followed, that will keep a commissioner from crossing any lines of interference.​
I would make sure that I was looking at the best interests of the community as a whole and also for those affected by county policies and practices. I think everyone wants our county to prosper and be self-sufficient while providing a safe and nice place to live.The job of a commissioner is to balance the needs and wants of all - supporting a high quality of life for citizens while supporting business and protecting resources, managing our growth and providing adequate infrastructure. Preferential treatment for friends or family has no place at any level of government.​
How much of your campaign finances come from developers and others that support developers?​
This question is very broad in reference to the word support. Therefore, please review my campaign reports that are on file with the Walton County Supervisor of Elections.​
ZERO - I have not accepted any contributions from the developer community nor will I in the future. I believe that the developer community is seeking to curry favor with County Commissioner candidates/incumbents so that the county will continue to provide variances, approve planned unit developments and allow unfettered, uncontrolled development that serves their personal interests. The only special group I wish to serve is the citizenry of Walton County.​
What is your history of working with Walton County government to serve the interests of citizens?​
I retired from WCSO after 30-years in law enforcement with certifications in corrections, law enforcement and death/injury investigation. I volunteered as a Lt. firefighter. Serving on the City of Freeport Planning Board and elected to the Freeport City Council gave me experience in municipal governance. As Commissioner, I continued my professional development through certifications from the Institute for Elected Municipal and County Government, advanced training in county governance, financial and growth management, ethics, etc. I serve on the Defense Support Initiatives Committee, Okaloosa-Walton Transportation Planning Organization, Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Coalition and Walton County Development Alliance.​
I have testified and brought attention to some of our neglected parks and public safety issues. I have also worked as a volunteer for the school district and for the homeless/needy in our community to include the following but not limited to School Supply drives, Canned food Drives, Out Reach Grill outs, Community clean up projects (Road ways ,parks and the local Vetrans Memorial), Coaching Freeport Middle School and providing assistance to a loacal citizen (Medically unable to do it for himself) who was getting fined daily for his property condition.​
What in your opinion was the worst decision by the BCC over the past year?​
Due to the rapid growth of Walton County, the citizens were not kept informed to the best of the BCC’s abilities.​
While it is hard to pinpoint one, since there are so many, I think that the many rezoning votes to allow higher density development along with the direction and decisions made on customary use all tie in together for the worst decisions the county has made. This has led to crowded beaches, negative publicity (which has led to reduced rentals and property values), traffic congestion, safety issues and in general a lower quality of life for those in South Walton. Additionally, North and Central Walton has seen less attention over the yaers when it comes to infrastucture needs but yet rezonning continues at an alarming rate.​
What are the qualifications voters should be considering when deciding who to vote for?​
Experience and qualifications in government affairs which would allow the commissioner to work at their job and not the learning process of how to do the job.​
Integrity and independence are by far the most important qualities. This has been sorely lacking. We need a person with the strength of character to stand up to the developers and insiders who are controlling the Commission's decisions and practices.We have seen what the past has provided and we are expierencing exactly the same right now.​
How would you ensure transparency and accountability to citizens (as opposed to special interests)?​
My office has been and will continue to be open to all citizens of Walton County. I will strive to keep citizens more informed with issues and updates of the BCC​
The website is horrendous. Public meeting outcomes/detailed minutes should be published with who votes how. A summary with easy to understand graphs, showing where the money goes - which departments, in which areas, for which projects. Everytime a rezoning or approval of higher density development or variance to allow more development is proposed, it should be highlighted on the agenda and neighbors in the area should be notified by email on how they can comment / provide feedback. An annual citizens survey should be sent via email seeking their opinion on changes in zoning, variance and more development and infrastructure changes.​
Do you think our county handles financial resources wisely, and has the ability to get things done quickly and efficiently? What would you propose?​
Yes. There are numerous financial resources the county has and each has it’s own financial allocations with guideline and procedures. Government spending has procedures to follow and it does take time.​
No. I propose independent departmental financial audits. If elected I would scrutinize spending much more than is currently done. I also think the county should more fairly distribute tax dollars spent throughout the district based on priorities not just wants. . Additionally, I propose more open workshops and a better website that very simply outlines where the tax dollars are going in terms of departments/projects/infrastructure and services. I also propose that all commissioners be required to list on the county website any financial relationships land and business or personal ownerships they have with the development community, those doing business with the county, those regulated by the county and with or near county owned facilities, etc.​
Do you think the county is too reliant on the tourism economy and if so how would you propose to achieve a better balance between tourists and permanent residents?​
Tourism has always been a huge economic contributor to Walton County’s economy. Walton County has grown tremendously the last decade. I currently represent the Walton County BCC on the Walton County Economic Development Alliance Board. The BCC has been working and will continue to make strides in bringing other industries to Walton County.​
Yes we have relied on that low hanging fruit without diversifying our economic portfolio. We need more involvement in getting industry to the Central and North end of walton. Ive worked in the logistics / Supply chain industry and there is oppurtunity out there but we cant wait on the door to be knocked on or the phone to ring, we need to be knocking on those doors and making those phone calls. Figure out what incitives would be good for all,in order to entice industry to look our way.​
Development is obviously an important factor in our economy. Do you see any problems with over-development or inappropriate development? What improvements are needed?​
Walton County has a land development code in tact for rules and regulations. I do feel it is need of updating and that is the reason I voted for the funding of “Walton County 2040”.​
Yes we are being over developed at this point. Infrastructure to include, roads, public safety, schools, hospitals and so on is in dire need of attention. Its time to look into a Temporary Moratorium of zoning changes when it comes to higher density and major developments in order to catch up and or manage the current growth responsibly. We need a published priority's list that is discussed monthly during the BCC meetings so the progress can be monitored by all.​
What are your feelings about traffic and what steps would you advocate to fix the problems?​
As a member of the Okaloosa-Walton Transportation Planning Organization, I have been advocating for FDOT funding for Walton County’s state roadways. Walton County’s growth has caused rush hour traffic in various location in Walton County. Unfortunately, most of this is on State of Florida highways 98, 331 and 20. Walton County needs to continue to stress these conditions to the leaders in Tallahassee to have these highways made a priority.​
Since we our a tourist driven economy we will always have traffic issues. What we need to look into is traffic light timing, turn lanes and some of what I stated in question 9. We also need updated traffic studies in order to determine and forecast current and future traffic needs.​
What are your feelings about water quality in the bays and lakes and what steps would you advocate to improve the situation?​
I currently represent the BCC on the Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Coalition and feel very strong about persevering the water quality in our bay, rivers and springs. I am an advocate for stricter rules for our waters quality protection and will continue to strive to obtain grants for sewer expansions in Walton County and to have septic tanks eliminated near our waters.​
Our water is one of our most important natural resources - we need to protect it and ensure that we keep it clean and safe. We cannot allow the developer or business community to skirt or avoid regulations for their own personal financial gain. These policies need to be strengthened and enforced to protect our water quality which is important for our safety and health and for the regions economic vitality.​
Do you think that the county has provided adequate recreational facilities for our children and what would you propose?​
We need more. Choctaw Beach redistricted from District 4 to District 1 effective 1/2022, no plat fees transferred. I requested safety repairs done and clean up. I meet with residents of Choctaw Beach and staff for preliminary conceptual drawing for the park, with residents seeing final. I requested and authorized $80,000 of District 1 plat fees for engineering design and permits. Upon receipt, BCC will seek funding to proceed. Also had Phase 3-Grady Brown Park done and the completion of Cowford landing. I propose to improve on current recreational facilities, start and complete the parks with the land on hand.​
We have over 48 parks in walton county, we cant take care of what we have with what we got at this point. A majority of these parks have dangerous / concerning conditions. We need more ball fields for the kids but we need to Prioritize and Fix the needs at most of these parks. Funding is an issue so we need to look into leasing out the county restarunt and liquor bar in order to place that funding where its needed most. We can also look into partnering with the private sector to include developers with future sports complexs.​
Do you think the county has done enough to preserve our natural resources (particularly wetlands) and what would you do differently?​
I propose we continue to improve on the recreational facilities we have and as funds become available, start and complete the parks on the land we have purchased​
No they have not. We need to learn how to say "NO" just as easy as we say "YES" so easily when it comes to major development and rezonning. "Preserve" is defined as maintained in its original or existing state. Personally I think site visits by the commissioners is a good way to view the wetlands in question in order to see first hand what may or may not happen by a decision he or she may make on a development. I think this on top of listening to staff would make for a better decision making process.​
Has county government done enough to protect beach access and beach activities, and what would you do differently?​
First note, when I was sworn in as District 1 Commissioner in 2020, customary use was in full legal swing. We can not go back in time. But we can move forward in a positive note. I am in favor of purchasing beach front properties. The deed to the beach can be to Walton County and if the upland is not needed for parking or access, sale it and keep the proceeds for the next gulf front purchase. Continue this process. Are we using our funds wisely in the CU lawsuits?​
The past is the past at this point with the decisions they made. What I don’t want to do is give millions more to attorneys ending up with the same result. In talking and listening to the citizens there has been one option mentioned several times. Not knowing all the legalities with this but, possiblly buying beach front with a home and then deeding the beach front portion (Dune to the MHWL)) to the county and selling the home seperately with the remainning land. A big reason I moved here was the open beaches.​
What are your top 3 priorities if you get elected?​
1. I will continue to work with all the Commissioners to lead Walton County to more economic diversifications 2. Find funding for infrastructure ex:80/20 (or other) grants 3. Affordable housing​
Ill give you more than the 3 you have asked for. Over Development / Infrastructure, Departmental Audits, Open Beaches, then Parks n Rec, Bay pollution, help seek economic diversity with industry, Hiring our own in house full time atty and we need a "Risk Manager" .​

SoWal Staff

Serving the Community!
Staff member
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
The Response Below is from Brad Drake, District 3​

Response - Brad Drake​
How would you keep personal relationships from interfering with your duties as a county commissioner?​
I have always and will continue to treat each person, individual or group fairly, regardless of whether I know them or not. This has been my practice in public service for the past 24 years.​
How much of your campaign finances come from developers and others that support developers?​
Most of my contributions have come from friends and family. I have no aversion to accepting contributions from businesses that believe in conservative and fair governance. However, I do not practice or apply any quid pro treatment for contributors regardless of any professional, social or familial relationship status.​
What is your history of working with Walton County government to serve the interests of citizens?​
I have represented Walton County in the Florida House of Representatives for 12 years as an elected official and nearly 7 years as a staff professional in the Florida Legislature. As well, I have served the past 10 months on the Walton County BCC upon appointment by Governor Ron DeSantis.​
What in your opinion was the worst decision by the BCC over the past year?​
The attempt to reduce revenues, while simultaneously increasing expenditures, with the intent to offset deficits by spending reserve dollars. Fortunately, I played a role in stopping this attempt.​
What are the qualifications voters should be considering when deciding who to vote for?​
Honesty, integrity and fairness. Each commissioner should have an open mind and a willingness to get the policy issues right, even if it wasn’t one's original idea or thought in the beginning stages.​
How would you ensure transparency and accountability to citizens (as opposed to special interests)?​
My cell is 850.419.1300. The citizens are free to call, text or email me at any time. I will respond accordingly.​
Do you think our county handles financial resources wisely, and has the ability to get things done quickly and efficiently? What would you propose?​
The County CFO, Melissa Thomason, demonstrates an exemplary effort to offer guidance on fiscal structure. However, I do feel some Commissioners show zero restraint on spending. I will continue to spend and appropriate public dollars in the best interest of the citizens who pay the taxes for services.​
Do you think the county is too reliant on the tourism economy and if so how would you propose to achieve a better balance between tourists and permanent residents?​
We are a coastal county, which means that we are innately structured for a tourism focused economic system. However, we should continue to partner with FL Dept of Commerce and P3 opportunities to expand broader industry deliverables in our rural areas.​
Development is obviously an important factor in our economy. Do you see any problems with over-development or inappropriate development? What improvements are needed?​
Modest and responsible development allows for broader economic activities and choices among residents. However, the governing bodies should always remain cognizant of suppy issues and infrastructure needs in order to accommodate for expected growth and impacts.​
What are your feelings about traffic and what steps would you advocate to fix the problems?​
Traffic pressures always follow growth, especially sudden growth. More resources and attention should be placed on expanding infrastructure to keep up and prepare for that type of growth. Therefore, spending should reflect this concentrated focus through prioritizing funding allocations.​
What are your feelings about water quality in the bays and lakes and what steps would you advocate to improve the situation?​
Environmental quality should always be a higher priority. No community should be exposed to toxic land or water problems.​
Do you think that the county has provided adequate recreational facilities for our children and what would you propose?​
We can and should always have a mindset to offer additional recreation opportunities for residents. However, we should have a well thought out plan and a sound fiscal blueprint to pay for them. We should attempt to keep losses low and/or reasonable for the services offered, and not be over extended.​
Do you think the county has done enough to preserve our natural resources (particularly wetlands) and what would you do differently?​
We should always strive to do more conservation and preservation. Focus needs to be on partnerships with residents, businesses and tourists for an honest balancing of our needs and wants.​
Has county government done enough to protect beach access and beach activities, and what would you do differently?​
We should always strive to increase access as fiscally appropriate as possible.​
What are your top 3 priorities if you get elected?​
1) Fiscal resopnsibility. 2) Responsible growth management. 3) Envronmentally friendly infrastructure readiness​

SoWal Staff

Serving the Community!
Staff member
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
The Response Below is from Barbara Morano, District 5​

Response - Barbara Morano​
How would you keep personal relationships from interfering with your duties as a county commissioner?​
I have no conflicts of interest with personal relationships that would cause me to recuse myself from any agenda item. My interest rests solely with the citizens of Walton County to focus on safety, health and the general well being.​
How much of your campaign finances come from developers and others that support developers?​
My campaign contributions are coming from the citizens. They have watched me advocating for smart development, assisting neighborhoods fighting Rezoning and protecting our natural environment and quality of life.​
What is your history of working with Walton County government to serve the interests of citizens?​
During the past five years, I have participated in most county government meetings and attended many workshops. I have participated in the Technical Review Committee where many minor developments are heard. Major Development Projects proceed to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. I have represented neighborhoods by researching and questioning many aspects of a development proposal.​
What in your opinion was the worst decision by the BCC over the past year?​
There have been many decisions that were made by the BCC that impacted our community. We need to understand the Beach Settlement agreement in order to understand our options. We have been without a permanet county administrator for years. The firing of Quinn Robertson was not in the best interest of the people. Proposing an increased sales tax and an increase in the bed tax showed a lack of understanding of the legality and consequences.​
What are the qualifications voters should be considering when deciding who to vote for?​
Voters should look for candidates who have been active in the community and who show commitment, dedication and good decision making skills. There should be no special interest groups contributng to campaign finances that would influence a decision.​
How would you ensure transparency and accountability to citizens (as opposed to special interests)?​
My actions at the podium reflect my transparency, accoutability, integrity and caring. It is time for change. The only "special interests" will be the citizens in all FIVE districts, not just District Five.​
Do you think our county handles financial resources wisely, and has the ability to get things done quickly and efficiently? What would you propose?​
I have a deep respect for our Chief Financial Officer. It appears that some Commissioners believe we have Monopoly money and direct the CFO to balance the budget accordingly. Until the Commissioners manage the budget effectively, firmly and without a special agenda, we will continue on the path of inefficiency and procrastination.​
Do you think the county is too reliant on the tourism economy and if so how would you propose to achieve a better balance between tourists and permanent residents?​
"Tourism infuses new money into a community's economy. Tourism generated taxes help keep resident-paid property taxes lower". B. Geist. But, we need a blance between tourists and permanent residents. The beach communities need a vehicle to communicate their concerns and issues with the District Commissioner through town hall meetings, discussing parking, Low Speed Vehicles, vandalism and beach issues. The communities north of the bay are beginning to experience greater tourism as the Walton County Touists Department promotes Authentic Walton to drive further tourism to Defuniak Springs and the surrounding communities. Understanding what is important to the residents of Walton and ensuring we do not lose the charm of Walton County.​
Development is obviously an important factor in our economy. Do you see any problems with over-development or inappropriate development? What improvements are needed?​
One of the best decisions the county made was hiring a consulting company to review the Comprehensive Plan and our Land Development Code. Plan 2040 will concentrate on improvements in both North and South Walton. Overdevelopment, poor planning, Rezoning for more density instead of Smart Growth is a problem that must be dealt with through implementation of Plan 2040. Time is of the esence. Options will be presented regarding growth at specific locations.​
What are your feelings about traffic and what steps would you advocate to fix the problems?​
A favorite quote: "Trying to cure traffic congestin with more capactiy is like trying to cure obesity by loosening your belt", Glen Hiemstra. Public transportation must be a priority. Finally, we have a fair and equitable way of taxing developers instead of a"proportionate fair share approach". It is the mobility fee. This is why smart growth planning with the consultants must be a priority, not a plan to be put on a shelf, which has happened too many times in the past.​
What are your feelings about water quality in the bays and lakes and what steps would you advocate to improve the situation?​
Melinda Gates, environmental coordinator with the County, recently held a meeting explaining the 2024 Comprensive Conservation and Management Plan by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The report basically said "stable". The BOCC held an executive session to discuss the Sandestin DRI stormwater issues and we are awaiting the outcome. Awareness has also been raised concernng flesh eating bacteria. Improvement comes with communication and monitoring.​
Do you think that the county has provided adequate recreational facilities for our children and what would you propose?​
We are blessed with concerned parents with active chidren. Our schools are at capacity. Rec fee money has been spent on fields and the county entered an interlocal agreement with DFS. However, the county has property but must prioritze between certain planned projects. The leasing agreement at the Boys and Girls Club has been a good option. We must plan if we are to expand. What are the projections for growth? Plan 2040 will be sharing information shortly.​
Do you think the county has done enough to preserve our natural resources (particularly wetlands) and what would you do differently?​
We are still waiting for a tree ordinance that was essentially tabled at a BCC meeting. Chapter 4 of our Code discusses wetland protection zones. The policy to transfer the alloted density from areas in the Zones to the uplands for more residences will impact the wetlands. Since the land surface surrounding the wetlands will be buidable, caution about stormwater run off and environmental impacts need to be duly noted.​
Has county government done enough to protect beach access and beach activities, and what would you do differently?​
The loss of the Watercolor Van Ness access is unconscionable. Bad legal advice from the beginning makes one question how this benefitted the taxpayer.The Beach Activities Ordinance will be difficult to enforce without beach ambassadors at the Regional accesses. The agreement with prejudice appears to be final . The beautiful beaches of South Walton should be shared by all.​
What are your top 3 priorities if you get elected?​
My top three basic priorites are to protect the first amendment rights of citizens, support a fiscally managed budget, and communicate with my constituents. In order to accomplish change, we must as a county Organize ( work on the Land Development Code and the Comp Plan) Priortize our Needs and Wants, Economize, and Optimize our resouces. I promise to lead with integrity, transparency and caring for all Five Districts.​

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Disclaimer: Barbara Morano sits on the board of the South Walton "Community" Council which is comprised of less than a dozen people who meet in secret. It used to be a flourishing organization.

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
Disclaimer: Barbara Morano sits on the board of the South Walton "Community" Council which is comprised of less than a dozen people who meet in secret. It used to be a flourishing organization.
Do you fear they are not good people or don't have good intentions?

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
But if they stand for responsible growth, government transparency and protection of natural areas... Are you afraid they are doing the opposite? Or is your grievance because they stopped something you wanted?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
But if they stand for responsible growth, government transparency and protection of natural areas... Are you afraid they are doing the opposite? Or is your grievance because they stopped something you wanted?

Mr. Liles please post under your real name.


Beach Lover
Apr 18, 2024
LOL. I also immediately dismiss the candidates, looks like #2, who come in with the campaign of “everything is wrong and the sky is falling with the current direction” campaign approach. Obvious the sky isn’t falling and something is being done right given all the folks moving here…
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