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Beach Fanatic
Dec 14, 2005
Event Grand Opening and Media Day
Saturday, November 8th 9am-4pm
East Long Green, Rosemary Beach

9 am Cottages Open
10 am Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
10:15 am Posting of the colors by Eglin Air Force Base
10 am - 1 pm Garden Club handing out potted plants
11 am - 1 pm Live Music by Jonah Sage
10am - 1pm Billie Gaffrey signing posters and t-shirts
WMBB News Channel 13 on site
Mobile Dental Clinic On-Site

The cottages are amazing! Come check them out!
See ya there! :wave:

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Beach Fanatic
Dec 14, 2005
Additional event details!

Event Details!

Saturday, November 8th 9am-4pm

Sunday, November 9th 10am-4pm

Veteren?s Day, Tuesday November 11 10am-3pm
11 am - 1 pm Live Music by Kari Dokken
1 pm - 3 pm Live Music by Geoff McBride

Saturday November 15th 10am-4pm
11 am - 1 pm Live Music by Joleen Jones
2 pm - 4 pm Live Music by Kyle Ogle and Friends

Sunday November 16th, 10am-4pm

Saturday November 22nd 10am-4pm
11 am - 3 pm Meet the Builders
2 pm - 4 pm Live Music by The Steenos

Sunday November 23rd, 10am-4pm

Wednesday, November 26th, 10am-4pm

Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, 10am-2pm

Friday, November 28th, 10am-4pm

Auction & Raffle
Saturday, November 29th
Raffle at 10:30 am
Auction starts at 11:00 am

Visit www.cottagesforkids.org for more information!​


Beach Lover
May 7, 2007
30a Television will also be there to film between other events - busy day !


Beach Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
Eastern Lake Est., SoWal, FL
Will stop by today! Congratulations to all. Looks like the event just opened at 9 a.m. this morning, but still have time to get to Rosemary Beach for the ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. Music, art posters, a raffle and potted plants add to the unique and worthwhile event.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
Eastern Lake Est., SoWal, FL
30A Television will be filming sometime today and should have something up soon. Also, WMBB News 13 was there filming. Maybe they've got something up on their website. I'm sure other Sowallers who post great pictures will have something. Just got back. Fabulous. The children and adults were having a blast viewing and exploring the play cottages. I hope I win the house being raffled. I'd love to set it up on 30-A and work out of it.
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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
photos - http://sowal.com/photos-110808.html



SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
I have a story about a very special cottage.

Last winter, Bdarg and Freeport Steel (our employer), and architect Tim Tricker teamed up to build a cottage for CVHN. Tim came up with a very cool and unique cottage design, Freeport Steel was all set to build the steel frame, and Bdarg lined up suppliers for the donated building materials,and the project was off and running. Then, 3 weeks ago, the siding supplier backed out, throwing a total monkey wrench into the production schedule. The frame was built, but we had nothing to cover it with!

So on October 24th, the cottage frame arrived in our driveway on a flatbed trailer, and we learned how blessed we are to live in this amazing place and have such great friends. Every night, (and some days), our friends came to help Bdarg and Tim scramble to the deadline and finish the cottage. I have no building skills, but I cooked and we sat down as a family every night for dinner, everyone shaking their heads and wondering how we were going to finish the project, but not letting Bdarg give up hope (even when I did).

On October 31st, the house, still verrrrrry unfinished, rode over to Rosemary and was craned into place, surrounded by mostly completed cottages. It was a bad day - despite the hard work, we weren't even close. Bdarg was trying to figure out how he could be at the office AND Rosemary Beach, since we were only allowed to work in daylight hours. Thankfully Freeport Steel hired some great stucco guys, our friends kept faithfully showing up, and practically overnight, the cottage was starting to look like Tim envisioned it- the Ying Yang cottage. The bamboo and everyone's amazing twine-tying abilities finished the look.

I want the family that ends up with our cottage to know how much good karma and love went into it, and to remember that it does "take a village" to achieve great results. CVHN is the perfect example of this concept, and our cottage reflects that spirit.:love:

We have a list of thankyous as long as an Academy Awards acceptance speech- I just want everyone to know about the great people involved! When you see them, give them all a big hug!

If you are lucky enough to have John Rosenberg as your friend, then you are truly blessed. Despite his duties for Mountain Film and other obligations, he completely devoted himself to this project, kept Blaine from going nuts (despite my best efforts to make him nuts) and we could not have done this without him. He has a permanent seat at our table and on our couch.

Realtor Murray Balkcom was here the first week until I think I gave him my cold (sorry!). He and his sunny dispostion showed up every night, when he could have been doing any number of the kajillion things Murray does, but he chose to work on the cottage. In the friend department, Murray never disappoints, and we treasure him.

Nellie Debruyn was the first volunteer to answer the call, and she jumped in with both feet. Talk about a girl with talents! She can use power tools and is a writer- what a combo! We can't believe we have lived here 2 years and just getting to know Nellie, and now we have a wonderful new friend!

Carol Gagliardi started out as part of the "Moral Support Team", but ended up being the key person in the completion of the cottage- she was our "bamboo hookup". Last Sunday, Carol, John, Blaine,and I rode over to Carol's parents in Ft. Walton, and cut fifty 25 foot bamboo canes. After Carol's dad let us cut his bamboo, her mom fed us a beautiful Italian Sunday lunch! Carol put the same energy and good spirit intop this project as she does in her job at the Seaside Rep. We are lucky to know her!

Blaine's mom, Pat, has been with us for 3 weeks. It was supposed to be a 2 week "vacation to Florida", which turned into 3 weeks of helping us keep our house and life together- I have a mother-in-law that is better than MaryPoppins! She must know desperation when she sees it, and we appreciate that she didn't pack up and head for the KY hills when she could.:lol:

Freeport Steel, Ladd Goodson, and "Bamboo Bo" Goodson - who provided not only the financial backing for this cottage, but jumped in hard when we really needed the push to finish. Bo became a master at lashing bamboo poles together with twine - I doubt he will ever grow any! :lol:

Tim Tricker had a really cool vision for a cottage that would appeal to kids AND grownups- and it worked!:clap:
Amanda Shuette constantly surprises me- who knew she could use tools? She showed up, and instead of staying inside where it was warm, was out on the flat bed with the building crew! She gets extra bonus points for her wit!

Arix Zalace's carpentry talents were mentioned by several people- and he heard the call. Thanks Arix!

Bdarg just informed me that Brian Goff came by one night- he and Blaine used to work together, and it was so sweet that he pitched in to help.

Of course the Mers blew into town and came straight to our aid. It's not a vaction for them unless they have a project!:clap:
Our "Moral Support Team" was outstanding- Christi and Patrick Ferry (Patrick makes awesome gumbo and creole!), Miss Kitty, and Gypsea- they completed our nightly family table, and added unmeasurable fun every evening. They kept ME almost sane. Abe Drinkin' was an inspiration for dinner one night- I made speidies, but they weren't nearly as good as his!

We need to shout out Frank's Cash n'Carry, S&S Drywall, and Triangle Fasteners too.

Kelli Arnold and the rest of the CVHN team- thanks for keeping the faith and being so encouraging.

And finally, Bdarg rocks. That's all I'm gonna say, other than anyone that knows him knows that he never gives up and this project never would have made it without him. There were a few seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and others would have quit, but not my husband. The kids and I are really proud of him.:love:

So that's our story- now everyone go out and see the cottages at Rosemary. I am sure they all have stories of their own, and I hope the other "cottage families" will share them!
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