“Is Meditation Psychotherapy?” is the title of a talk to be given at the Emerald Coast Meditation Society on Thursday, Jan. 5. Speaker will be Dr. Diane Davis of Destin.
The ECMS meets at 6:30 p.m. at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The meeting, open to the public without charge, begins with 30 minutes of silent meditation.
“Many people know that meditation can help reduce stress by calming frazzled nerves and giving them a time-out from the pressures of life,” explains Davis. “But can there be other psychotherapeutic benefits of meditation?”
Davis will answer that question by reviewing several psychotherapies used by psychologists and counselors: psychoanalytic, Gestalt, behavior, and person-centered. She will compare the goals and outcomes of these therapies to the effects of meditation.
Davis, who has been meditating for over 20 years, holds a B.S. degree in math and education from the University of Cincinnati and master’s and doctoral degrees in educational psychology from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL. She holds respecialization certification in clinical psychology from Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield, IL.
She currently teaches psychotherapy and theories of personality at Park University in Parkville, MO. She is a professor emeritus of psychology at Oakton College, in Des Plaines, IL, and a past director with the Illinois Education Association.
The ECMS is an ecumenical group that meets on the first and third Thursdays. The evening will end around 8 p.m. with a short guided meditation. Anyone who would like meditation instruction should come at 6:15 p.m. Questions? Contact Nancy James, nancyjames@embarqmail.com.
The ECMS meets at 6:30 p.m. at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The meeting, open to the public without charge, begins with 30 minutes of silent meditation.
“Many people know that meditation can help reduce stress by calming frazzled nerves and giving them a time-out from the pressures of life,” explains Davis. “But can there be other psychotherapeutic benefits of meditation?”
Davis will answer that question by reviewing several psychotherapies used by psychologists and counselors: psychoanalytic, Gestalt, behavior, and person-centered. She will compare the goals and outcomes of these therapies to the effects of meditation.
Davis, who has been meditating for over 20 years, holds a B.S. degree in math and education from the University of Cincinnati and master’s and doctoral degrees in educational psychology from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL. She holds respecialization certification in clinical psychology from Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield, IL.
She currently teaches psychotherapy and theories of personality at Park University in Parkville, MO. She is a professor emeritus of psychology at Oakton College, in Des Plaines, IL, and a past director with the Illinois Education Association.
The ECMS is an ecumenical group that meets on the first and third Thursdays. The evening will end around 8 p.m. with a short guided meditation. Anyone who would like meditation instruction should come at 6:15 p.m. Questions? Contact Nancy James, nancyjames@embarqmail.com.