“Encounters with the Eternal” will be the title of a talk by Al Drucker to be given to the Emerald Coast Meditation Society on April 9. Drucker, who spent more than 40 years studying under and working with Sai Baba in India, says he “has been blessed with countless experiences with Sai Baba,” some of which he will share.
The free meeting will start with a silent 30-minute meditation at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King Episcopal Church parish hall, at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The ECMS is ecumenical and does not follow any religion.
Drucker came to America as a young boy fleeing the Nazis. In his professional career he was part of the technical team managing the U.S. ballistic missile programs and was also active with NASA, the FAA, and the National Academy of Science. After 15 years, he left the technological field, changed professions and joined the Esalen Institute in California, to become a holistic health practitioner and teacher.
One day while piloting a small plane, he was caught in a violent storm over the Sierra Nevada mountains. After hours in the storm, with his plane coming apart and his fuel running out, a mysterious voice came on the radio and guided him to safety. Seeking the source of that voice he was led to Sai Baba in India.
Subsequently, during the 70’s and 80’s, he made 30 trips to Sai Baba in India and lived in the ashram for nine years. There, he taught physics at the university and gave lectures on spiritual topics to faculty and ashram visitors.
He also published a number of books, including “Bhagavad Gita for Today,” “Self Realization,” and “Awakening to Truth,” available for free download atatma-institute.org. Video interviews of Al can be found on vimeo.com/channels/aldrucker.
Back in the U.S. he co-founded Atma Institute, a nonprofit school based on spiritual principles. Now retired, he lives with his wife, Yaani, in a log cabin in the woods on the Wisconsin River. They winter in Santa Rosa Beach.
The evening will conclude with a short guided meditation. The ECMS meets on the first and third Thursday of every month except July and August. Anyone who needs meditation instruction should arrive by 6:15 p.m. Contact nancyjames@embarqmail.com for information.
The free meeting will start with a silent 30-minute meditation at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King Episcopal Church parish hall, at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The ECMS is ecumenical and does not follow any religion.
Drucker came to America as a young boy fleeing the Nazis. In his professional career he was part of the technical team managing the U.S. ballistic missile programs and was also active with NASA, the FAA, and the National Academy of Science. After 15 years, he left the technological field, changed professions and joined the Esalen Institute in California, to become a holistic health practitioner and teacher.
One day while piloting a small plane, he was caught in a violent storm over the Sierra Nevada mountains. After hours in the storm, with his plane coming apart and his fuel running out, a mysterious voice came on the radio and guided him to safety. Seeking the source of that voice he was led to Sai Baba in India.
Subsequently, during the 70’s and 80’s, he made 30 trips to Sai Baba in India and lived in the ashram for nine years. There, he taught physics at the university and gave lectures on spiritual topics to faculty and ashram visitors.
He also published a number of books, including “Bhagavad Gita for Today,” “Self Realization,” and “Awakening to Truth,” available for free download atatma-institute.org. Video interviews of Al can be found on vimeo.com/channels/aldrucker.
Back in the U.S. he co-founded Atma Institute, a nonprofit school based on spiritual principles. Now retired, he lives with his wife, Yaani, in a log cabin in the woods on the Wisconsin River. They winter in Santa Rosa Beach.
The evening will conclude with a short guided meditation. The ECMS meets on the first and third Thursday of every month except July and August. Anyone who needs meditation instruction should arrive by 6:15 p.m. Contact nancyjames@embarqmail.com for information.