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Abby Prentiss

Beach Fanatic
May 17, 2007
Most third world countries have better internet service.


Beach Fanatic
Aug 28, 2006
My speeds are all over the map. Three speedtests today have all produced vastly different results.
From .36mbps to 10.15mbps... Thing is, at all those times, I was unable to load even simple websites.

Carol G

Beach Fanatic
Jan 15, 2007
Point Washington
After 2 years of Mediacon, all I can say is DSL is your friend. Centurylink, $30/month tacked on to my phone bill, 3 Mbps = speedy internet, no problems with streaming Netflix instant, and it NEVER goes out. (Man, did I just jinx myself or what?? I'm knocking on everything wood...)


Beach Fanatic
Is this still happening this morning?

I had guests from Cassine call me between 5:00 - 7:00 central yesterday (Monday) and they couldn't get through to some web sites, while others they could but it seemed slow. Simple pings seemed to work (usually). Ran speedtest several times all with speeds around 7Mbps so it didn't sound like a connectivity issue, but the intermittent web site responses continued, despite rebooting routers and computers.

Mediacom wasn't reporting any service issues in the area on their web site, far as I could tell.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
Doesn't seem to be a problem this morning. It was spotty and slow as molasses yesterday. My usual 12Mbps connection was down to 4.5Mbps, which MediaCON says is unacceptable.

Carol G, 3Mbps is about the speed of my phone being used as a tethered modem. Seems really slow compared to 12Mbps, even though it "never goes out." I'm surprised you are able to stream movies at that speed.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
BTW, MediaCON never reports any service issues in our area. I guess doing so messes up their statistics and bragging points.
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