Scenic Walton

Scenic Walton is a nonprofit dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the beauty and safety of Walton County, Florida. Founded in 2008, the organization works to increase property values, support a thriving business environment, and ensure a visually appealing, safe and resilient community for residents and visitors alike.
With a concentrated focus on actions like landscaping the medians along our commercial corridors; championing the undergrounding of overhead utilities; promoting the expansion of pedestrian and cycling facilities; advocating for context-sensitive development; and challenging the uncontrolled spread of billboards and signage, Scenic Walton believes that beauty is good for business. These steps enhance environmental and economic progress, including tourism while promoting better health outcomes and a higher quality of life in all communities in Walton County.
Recent accomplishments include key participation in the process to get beautiful landscaping installed in the medians starting at the western and eastern entrances to Walton County along US 98, working with citizens and the Walton County Tourism Department to improve the right-of way along CR30A east of Camp Creek Lake, and championing the effort to have the pedestrian/cyclist underpass built at the US 98/CR 30A intersection in Inlet Beach. Examples of projects Scenic Walton is currently pursuing include a gateway landscape project along US 331 at the northern entrance to the City of Freeport, a linear park project including landscaping and a pedestrian path between Live Oak Avenue and Baldwin Avenue in West DeFuniak Springs, and a partnership with the Walton County Emergency Management Department to develop a plan and implementation schedule for undergrounding overhead utilities where it makes sense to do so throughout the county.
Scenic Walton relies on the support of concerned citizens like you. Every dollar helps sustain efforts to keep Walton scenic. Support scenic conservation in Walton County by ordering your very own Scenic Walton specialty license plate. Registration fees go to Scenic Walton to help keep Walton Safe & Beautiful.
Scenic Walton is a nonprofit that works with the community to preserve the natural beauty and enhance the quality of life in Walton County, Florida. Visit to learn more, donate directly, sign up for enews, and to order a Scenic Walton specialty plate now.
755 Grand Boulevard
Suite B105, #202
Miramar Beach, FL 32550

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